Maisel's work is created by photographing multiple images he flips through on facebook by shooting one long exposure. My night work involves capturing an image anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes.

The opening reception for San Francisco photographer Phillip Maisel's latest series, "A More Open Place."
The title of the series refers to a quote from Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of the popular social network Facebook, who was quoted as saying “We’re going to change the world. I think we can make the world a more open place.”
Each image is a long-exposure photograph of a computer screen taken while flipping through a photo album on Facebook. More than 100 million photos are being uploaded to Facebook every day.
"I am interested in our reaction to this massive influx of photos and the modern experience of engaging with this technology.
I see the combination of technology and photography as playing an increasing role as a databank for our memories. At the same time, despite Facebook’s current popularity, its lasting prominence in our collective lives is uncertain. If Facebook dies, do our memories die with it?"
A More Open Place: Photography by Phillip Maisel
Other Related Websites on Maisel:
Phillip Maisel on Conscientious Blog

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