"My work is concerned with the concept of multiple dimensions in space and alternate realities that exist simultaneously in our everyday lives. I am interested in the potential for these realities to be glimpsed through our interactions with and experiences within our environment."
"I am always struck by the imposing, almost suffocating presence of Southern magnolias. The one you see here had its branches hung perfectly in a “v” form, creating two openings into a sunlit grassy field. With this photograph, the screen image fit well into the composition of the landscape and allowed me to fracture the space even more."
"Lydia Anne McCarthy." Eye Buy Art. Eye Buy Art, n.d. Web. 23 Oct 2010.

In her other series "The Light" her use of light, color and subject matter of light filtering in through leaves and branches has a similar aesthetic to my own.

My Work:

Lydia Anne McCarthy
CPC 2010 Winner Lydia Anne McCarthy
The 50 States Project
Conscientious Conversation with Lydia Anne McCarthy
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