Sunday, November 14, 2010

Alexandre Singh Pre-Lecture Questions/Lecture Response

Pre-Lecture Questions:

In an interview you said "I'd say that there is no limit to the tools that I would use to enchant the listeners. They may feel that colored gels and dim lights are puny weapons compared to the slick acting and climactic musical montages of standard Hollywood fare, but the lilting voice of the old man, his scarred face illuminated by the flickering flames of the fireside, is a meme already etched deep into their collective unconscious." What is the most enchanting tools you can imagine in either a past or future storytelling lectures?

Your work spans across a very wide group of mediums. What were your beginnings in the your earlier artmaking processes? Specifically how has that evolved into something so diverse?

Three words

Intellectual, Imaginative, Immersive, Performative

Most interesting thing I learned about Alexandre Singh:

I really had no idea what to expect from the lecture because I didn't fully understand the performative aspect of his work and how that would play out. I have a much greater understanding of his work and vision...I am also interested in how his performative work has manifested itself into a desire to create a film. I am really interested right now in exploring film-making. It is the most influential and inspiring part of creating my still images.

Most compelling work

I found Singh’s "The Hello Meth Lab in the Sun" to be the most compelling. This work was a collaborative effort. Hearing him talk about his high interest and affinity toward collaborative work reminded me a lot of past lecture with Hank Willis Thomas and how they both end up just forming friendships and networking to create these brilliant works facilitated by an amalgamation of intellectual talent. This installation was described as "exhaustive, ambitious and utterly immense," allowing the viewer to become so closely involved and connected to the work.

New Question

Can you talk more about your vision for your upcoming film?

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